This procedure can be performed in the case where wanting to obtain lifting effects through a minimal incision alone when the degree of looseness in the skin is not severe and a longer incision is not necessary. MINE Plastic Surgery’s Minimal Access Cranial Suspension Lift Surgery does not only lift the skin tissue, but together lifts and anchors the skin, subcutaneous fat, and SMAS layers to provide more reliable lifting effects.
Minimal Access Cranial Suspension, MACS
With MACS Lift surgery, minimum incision can be made to have lifting effect, if long cutting line is not required because degree of drooping is not severe enough. Through MACS Lift surgery by MINE PLASTIC SURGERY, absolute effect can be assured by pulling and fixing not only skin tissue but also skin layer, subcutaneous fat layer, SMAS (Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System) layer altogether.
Minimal Access Cranial Suspension Lift Procedure
After cutting about 5 layers in the sideburn area and just in front of the ear, detach and lift the subcutaneous fat layer starting from the muscle layer. Tie the SMAS muscle layer with string and pull. Pull the skin upwards and remove the remaining skin and then suture the incisions.
Minimal Access Cranial Suspension Lift Characteristics
Minimal Access Cranial Suspension Lift Demographic
- When the middle and lower parts of the face are sagging more than what is normal for someone who is middle aged
- When the facial area under the eyes is sagging
- In the case where the nasolabial folds are deeper due to sagging cheeks
- When the lines beside the mouth are sagging and unclear
- In the case where the fat accumulated under the chin is protruding and the chin and neck line are unclear
- In the case where a patient has already received a lifting procedure but is
unsatisfied with the results