Short Chin Surgery Korea
Short chin refers to appearance short looking chin with chin moving backward due to under developed jaw tip. In this case, through this surgery, short chin can be improved by moving jaw tip toward front or inserting prosthesis into jaw tip, and natural and beautiful V line is made.
Short Chin Surgery Method
Prosthesis insertion
- Secure space for prosthesis implantation through oral resection
- Insert the prosthesis customized for each individual, to jaw tip area
- Proceed oral resection after fixate prosthesis
Jaw Tip Forwarding Surgery
- Jaw tip osteotomy through oral incision
- Move broken bone forward considering facial harmony of each individual
- Fixate broken jaw tip bone using fixing pin
Short Chin Surgery Target
- Short and stubby chin
- Protruding mouth due to short chin
- Unclear jaw line or almost no jaw line
- With short chin, double chin appears
Paranasal Augmentation Surgery Korea
This surgery changes plain and unnatural face into young and smooth appearance while improving smile line and highlighting volume.
Paranasal Augmentation Method
Prosthesis paranasal augmentation surgery
Through oral incision, improve protruding area around nose by inserting customized prosthesis near smile line
Autologous fat paranasal augmentation
Improve drooping and protruding area of nose by inserting autologous fat
Filler paranasal augmentation
Improve drooping and protruding area around nose through simple filler injection
Paranasal Augmentation Target
- Relative protruding mouth with smile line looking drooped
- Appear to be flat or drooped around nose
- Appear to be relatively aged due to deep smile line